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Bird Nesting After Divorce: What to Expect

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One of my favorite things about birds nesting after divorce is that our children are growing up enclosed by references to the story of their family. Unlike traditional “broken home” divorces, we chose not only for their stay in their childhood home but also to have us parents move back and forth between homes so they can continue living alongside each other as well – this way; there isn’t any goodbye’s or divided possessions when a relationship ends because all shared memories will remain intact through these transitions!

These children have grown up in a house where stories and experiences constantly surround them. The histories of their dad’s family, my background, and that of both sets together before the kids were born to make for a fascinating past shared amongst all three members still living at home today – making it more than just one person telling his story here!

How Bird Nesting After Divorce Is Helping Preserve My Family’s History

Looking at my family’s mementos, I can’t help but feel that they are all telling a story. The photo album full of images from their childhood might show how much fun these people had while growing up; yet another reminder to appreciate every moment because it will never happen again! These things may seem insignificant on the surface- they’re not gold certificates worth hundred-dollar bills you’ll find in an old box somewhere!–but when taken together, they form some narrative about who we were and what our lives have been like.

“The cheese porter!”

My family and I enjoyed Italian food during our trips there, but this little glass bowl stuck with me the most. We would order pizza or pasta in restaurants all over town- even if it weren’t something that suited them (like seafood), they’d still ask for “the cheese porter!” It makes sense because these items are usually made with parmesan–and kids love anything involving spices too!

The albums!

Mom’s oldies are still good enough for me. I love to spin them when it is just the two of us, and now that Dad has passed away, there seems like even more music from his youth in this house than ever before – classic rock albums by guys like Jimi Hendrix or The Rolling Stones are mixed with newer favorites including Wilco (my favorite). There’s also a bunch of Christmas tunes played on an ancient record player next door where you can find all your favorite singers performing both known AND unknown songs!

The books!

When I come across a favorite childhood book from my mother or father, they’re always happy to see it again. It’s fun for them because, when we were kids, our parents would read us these books and then give away one of their own so that future generations could enjoy them too!

“Nebo” and “Tim”!

We have a cast of characters that live in our house. From concrete gargoyle to metal giraffe and even an artist from Kenya – we’re not just one person after all! Our favorite character, though? That would be Tim, who resides proudly on the dining room table as he watches over us every mealtime with his big eyes reminding us how much creativity can come out when you least expect it (and look great doing so).

When my parents got divorced, they each decided to raise one child. Even though we are different from some families because of the divorce, I hope that Bill and I have designed this life for our kids, so it makes them feel good about their strength as an individual in our family – how things work out between us two!

We all have to face the ending of things, whether they are jobs or relationships. It’s not always easy, but there can be good from these experiences as well!

Divorce is complicated no matter what period you live in. But because our family has been through so much, I am trying to make the best of every moment with my kids while teaching them about life lessons and experiences that will last a lifetime!